Cindra Fry Mullins

Profile Updated: May 20, 2023
Residing In: Bloomville, OH USA
Spouse/Partner: Henry. (Deceased)
Occupation: retired
Children: Dorother Marie VanCamp,born1961,resides Boston Mass . with husband Jeff Heyne and pursues her Art ..; More…Joseph Robin VanCamp,born 1963 and his wife Alison Goebel resides Columbus, Ohio ; Daniel Richard Thomas VanCamp with his wife Cecila and their combined family,born 1969, resides Jacksonville, Fla.
Full name:

Cindy Cindra JoAnn Fry Mullins

Number of grandchildren?

5 Joe’s son Denver32 and new son Maxwell 4year Dan’s 3 children Andrew 29. Brianne 27 married to Marshall Harris with two daughters Abigail 3 and Bella 1. Step children Christina and husband Brandon have 2 children Brynn age 7 and Delphine 4 . Zachery age 28 the 4th of March Dan’s children Andrew, Brianne, and Bailee. Denver grandma 👵 graduated from Ohio State, Andrew Graduated from Florida Fire School then went on to get his Emt and Paramedic Certifications now is entering Nursing School next fall. Brianne is attending collage and working and Bailee is to graduate from High School next spring a year early. Also added is my first Great Grandchild Brynn now a year old. To round out family are two stepgrandchildren Cristina and Zach. Dan is the proud father and grandfather to Celia's children plus has a very close relationship to his own three children. Joe and Denver live in Columbus and Joe remarried after 22 years to Alison a very wonderful Daughter in law. Iam content they are all happy and settled and are loved what more could I ask.


Dodie is an established artist using many media and has lived in Boston for over 25 years. She and her husband Jeff Heyne, a Boston Architect and Photagrapher live in an old Warehouse that has been converted into lofts. Jeff was the consulting architect and the building is restricted to artists. It is a very unique atmosphere with a gallery on the sub first floor.After30 iyears they bought a new studio loft space and have redone it from studs out. A year of carpenters plumbers electrician and do it yourself projects to update their art and photography careers.
Joe live in Columbus with his love Alison. Joe has completed several Columbus Marathons and surrounding area runs over the years. He has been in Columbus for over 25 years. He and Alison were married 10/06/12 and are expecting a sidekick in early March which will increase my grandchildren to 5. Joe is going to be the house parent while Alison works with grant work through the state.Maxwell is now a very hyper 4 year old who brings smiles and joy through our Facebook times.

School Story:

To finish. Dan has lived in Jacksonville Florida for 23 years. He is a sight consultant with Micro Soft. Flys all over the US and even pays his Mother surprise visits..He keeps my computer skills updated and fixes all my screw-ups. Since the pandemic he works out of his new home back on Jacksonville that eventually is becoming a studio for mixing and creating music.
Now for school , as you all know I was so smart that I married in 1959. But then returned to Columbian and taking several years and My youngest sons birth I graduated in 1977. I really got the most out of it,, the teachers really became brillant. Some would say the hard way but really Not. I have continued training with state in areas of health and safety and purchasing. plus life experiences. It has been a very exciting and interesting road and I would not have done it any different. But there are those days when I regret missing what you experienced.

Who was your favorite teacher, coach or staff person? What story about your life since Columbian would you want to tell him or her?

Going back my relationship with the instructors was quite different but those who truly helped me to achieve were all the staff at Columbian. Oh yeh I even got detention from the Basic Law teacher for being tardy over the limit...had nothing to do with getting husband off, kids to babysitter or school and keeping up with the work. Not complaining it was the scariest experience at that time, I was so embarrassed and Mr. McDonald had a real laugh at my expence prior to throwing it in the waste basket. But I am so glad that I wised up and went back and am glad that my kids had the experience of going to Columbian.

Are you retired? If so when did you retire and what now occupies your time and energy?

I retired at 62. .I was layed off from Defiance Precision Products in Upper Sandusky at 58. I was the Materials Coordinator ( purchasing agent/safety consultant/shipping coordinator) this was the most challenging position of all I had held. But if you remember this was the time when you laid off anyone just before they got too close to retirement age.. or at least that is what this company did after changing hands...They were very decent to me and I was allowed to use my vacation and unemployment time. There were 39 others in middle management that were escorted to the door all in one day. Now I crochet, read, love movies and yard work. I quietly with my AmyDog and I find that after all the times I said never more I adopted Amy 3 years ago as an 8 week old puppy
now 3 years old Terrier/Husky mix who favors her mother all terrier and all loving She keeps me going Still in Bloomville after 32 years and love the peaceful quiet life Am blessed to have neighbors that make sure o behave myself. Have become reclusive since the pandemic but it suits me. Remember the many friends from school and so enjoy this sight to keep up with what’s new.

Many of us no longer live in Tiffin. If you don't live there any more, what is your most striking memory about Tiffin? If you still live in Tiffin, what are some of the dramatic changes that have occurred?

l'm all the way out in Bloomville. Still here after since 1088Still here till they carry me out or the place falls down I have the greatest neighbors in the world watching after me. All in all enjoying have had second vaccine for COVID-19 and the booster. Sadly my sister’s son Matt passed away the 15 th of January of Covid. My Florida kids have been exposed but are vaccinated and family ghting it off. Flu shot pneumonia shot and all the other kids retentions have become my mantra. Hopefully you all are doing well. It has been a strange few years.

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Oct 22, 2024 at 9:09 AM

Have a Happy Birthday Bob

Oct 21, 2024 at 6:27 AM

Any ther year to wish you a very Happy Birthday Shirley. Enjoy your day.

Oct 15, 2024 at 8:06 AM

Early wishes for a very Happy Birthday

Sep 24, 2024 at 9:16 AM

An early wish for a very special Birthday celebration.

Sep 12, 2024 at 9:48 AM

Have a very special day. Happy Birthday Kathy

Sep 08, 2024 at 9:29 AM

Have a Happy Birthday

Sep 05, 2024 at 7:42 AM

Early wishes for a Happy Birthday Kathy. Celebrate the memories of days past and build new ones today tomorrow

Sep 05, 2024 at 7:40 AM

Have a wonderful day. Happy Birthday

Sep 01, 2024 at 9:40 AM

Early wishes for a Happy Birthday David. Enjoy the memories of yesterday today and make new ones

Sep 01, 2024 at 9:38 AM

Have a wonderful day Barb. Happy Birthday

Aug 29, 2024 at 11:38 AM

Another year to celebrate and make new memories. Seems impossible we are in our 8th decade but here we are going strong. Early Happy Birthday MaryJo

Aug 25, 2024 at 10:33 AM

Happy Birthday Barbara. Early so you can celebrate a little longer. All the best

Aug 24, 2024 at 11:35 AM

Have a great Happy Birthday Linda

Aug 24, 2024 at 11:35 AM

Have a great day

Cindra Fry Mullins posted a message. New comment added.
Aug 22, 2024 at 9:36 AM

Posted on: Aug 20, 2024 at 7:21 AM

Have a great day

Aug 17, 2024 at 8:56 AM

Wishing you an early Happy Birthday. Celebrate and enjoy the memories already made and those ahead. Family, friends and adventures yet to come

Aug 17, 2024 at 8:54 AM

Wishing you an early Birthday wish. Enjoy and celebrate

Aug 15, 2024 at 9:33 AM

Have a great day Happy Birthday

Aug 13, 2024 at 10:59 AM

Early wishes for your special day Happy Birthday and hope for a healthy and safe year

Aug 12, 2024 at 7:27 AM

Have a great day Happy Birthday

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Posted: Mar 28, 2015 at 12:08 PM